Neuro-Tactile Integration MNRI®

is a simple and effective technic for harmonization of the body, stress relief, health promotion and harmonization of psycho-emotional state.

NeuroTactile Integration (NTI) can be used successfully for children and adults with:

  • Learning problems, including dyslexia
  • Traumatic stress, post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Autism, Asperger’s syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Hyperactivity (ADD, ADHD)
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Genetic disorders (trisomy 21, Prader-
  • Willi and others)
  • Epilepsy/convulsive disorders
  • Rett syndrome
  • Learning disabilities and problems (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia)
    Intellectual development problems
  • Emotional disorders (anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression)
  • Tic disorder/Tourette syndrome
  • Dyspraxia and developmental delays in gross and fine motor skills
  • Language disorders (expressive language delay, apraxia, articulation disorders, dysarthria, stuttering, pervasive developmental disorder, feeding/feeding disorders)
  • Visual processing disorder, visual impairment.
  • Attachment disorder (oppositional defiant behavior disorder)
    Auditory processing disorder, hearing impairment
  • Fetal Alcohol
  • Syndrome (FAS)
  • Post-stroke
  • Alzheimer’s disease (dementia)
  • Parkinson’s disease

The impact of the NTIntegration of the body and brain system:

  • Optimization the 3-dimentional symmetry of the body, and the protective response of the whole body and the stress resilience. 
  • Emotional development and behavior patterns (tendency for overprotection, emotional instability, poor emotional maturation, ADHD, aggression, fears)
  • Cognitive development (delay of language development, poor memory)
  • Core mechanisms correlating with the protection and survival
  • Release the non-productive protection tendencies at the somatic level, and to make new possibilities for experiencing positive protection, supplying the feelings of comfort and balance
  • Improves immunity system
  • Activates natural genetics resources of the brain and the whole systems of the body (self-regenerating)
  • Building the neuro-senso-motor basis for motor coordination and postural control
  • Regulates the tone of mussels 
  • Activates the awareness of the body processes and provides a feeling of safety for interaction with the world ( the World is OK and I’m OK)

The Masgutova metod®/MNRI® (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration)

Dr Svetlana Masgutova is the researcher and creator of the MNRI® Reflex Integration programme. This programme is based on her ideas, personal and professional experience and the results of many years of work with children and adults.


Due to the effectiveness of the techniques and research, Dr Masgutova has also begun to use neurophysiologically based tactile integration in her work with people with sensory-motor deficits and various developmental problems. This programme can be used with people of all ages and symptoms as a method of improving their sensorimotor integration, intellectual, social and emotional development, and as an anti-stress programme following trauma. The MNRI® Tactile Neurointegration Programme is presented by MNRI® certified trainers and practitioners in many countries around the world.

Method uses reflex patterns to awaken the sensorimotor genetic memory and enable the nervous system to restore deficient functions more quickly and easily. This can include body movement (inability to walk, poor functioning), vision (poor eye tracking and vestibular eye capacity), hearing (poor decoding of words affecting comprehension), concentration, memory recall, thought processes, emotional and behavioural regulation and much more.

The MNRI® programme has proven to be very effective in helping neurotypical people who need support to achieve their goals (sports, learning, competition, business, etc.). We have also seen very significant results in working with children and adults with neurological deficits and learning difficulties.