construction: neuro-senso-motor base, motor coordination, postural control 2 h. 30 min. 1 time per week
240 €
A course in Neuro-Tactile and Reflex Integration
construction: neuro-senso-motor base, motor coordination, postural control; optimisation and integration of reflexes; postural control and more complex exercise total – 8 h. three days in a row ( 2 h. 30 min. per day)
720 €
Special cognitive games forming perception
attention, memory, speech, balance, coordination; breathing exercises 50 min.
60 €
online / offline 30 min.
60 €
*home visit
within 70 kilometers of the city of Menton
+50 €
50 min.
90 €
Neuro-Tactile Integration
90 min.
120 €
A course in Neuro-Tactile and Reflex Integration
construction: neuro-senso-motor base, motor coordination, postural control 2 h. 30 min. 1 time per week
240 €
A course in Neuro-Tactile and Reflex Integration
construction: neuro-senso-motor base, motor coordination, postural control; optimisation and integration of reflexes; postural control and more complex exercise total – 8 h. three days in a row ( 2 h. 30 min. per day)
720 €
Special cognitive games forming perception
attention, memory, speech, balance, coordination; breathing exercises 50 min.